Having an office printer is both a blessing and a curse. It brings your company good luck because you can print, scan, fax, and photocopy any office-related document during work hours. But it becomes a bane to your existence when it breaks down just before that oh-so-important meeting. Maximise the potential of your printers to the fullest by using printer fleet management in your workplace.
Also called managed print services (or MPS), they are experts who organise, upgrade, restart, update, and fix the printing devices (printers, scanners, fax machines, and photocopiers) of a company. With their help, the staff can even do all these remotely. Most of these services support all brands and printer models. And, there are many benefits to using MPS.
It maintains several printers with ease.
Maintaining individual printers can be a difficult task. Imagine when you need printed materials, but your printer needs a replacement toner right before a crucial sales pitch for a big client. So you scramble around for someone who has access to a different printer. But since you work for the same company, you both might face the same problem.
When you have too many printers but not enough staff to monitor for low ink and defective printouts, it may be best to consider managed print services. A printer fleet management service can do regular maintenance checks to the printers and copiers in your office long before it decides to break down.
It improves efficiency and productivity in the workplace.
It is inevitable for most employees to have printer-related tasks at work. Printing, copying, faxing, and scanning tasks can be tedious and frustrating, especially if your printers are becoming as ancient as the first generation smartphones. Most device malfunctions also happen at the wrong time, usually just before a board meeting or printing for an out-of-town assembly the day after. The breakdowns are typically due to toners and ink cartridges that need replacements. A printer fleet management system can identify and rectify these problems even before they become a huge problem.
It reduces the environmental footprint of your company.
You consume a lot when you print – paper, ink, and electricity are just some of them. There are times when printing is just too much of a cost for the company. And unfortunately, some – but not all – employees take advantage of “free” services by printing their personal documents at the office. It is the responsibility of the printer fleet to track the printer usage of your company. A managed print service can pull up a report on print levels to reduce environmental wastage in the office.
It saves the company time and money.
Too many printers, scanners, fax, and copying machines consume too much space and electricity. The consolidation of printing hardware is an efficient way to cut down the costs. Physical site assessments and audits by a managed print service can suggest options for better office efficiency.
It reduces information leakage.
Property theft is a clear and present danger for any company, big or small. Printer fleet management lessens the risk of information security breaches via printing statistics monitoring. It also comes with a plan to minimise stolen documents from the printed form trays. The fleet can also recommend document management, hard drive wiping capabilities (to discourage possible system hacking), waste disposal, and printer sign-in procedures to bring in additional security to confidential company info.
If you are seriously considering office changes for increased efficiency and productivity, go hassle-free. Consult a MPS for the answer to your printing needs.
Author Bio: Ester Adams is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.