This is a troubling subject because how can you trust any article you read online when it comes to something as important as this. There is no way of knowing if the reviews you are reading have been created by some company’s marketing department. You cannot be sure if the platforms or processors are legitimate nor can you tell if they are safe and secure. This is just another online article that you may or may not be able to trust, which just means that you should be as sceptical and cautious as possible when it comes to this sort of thing.
Samurai by FeeFighters
This is a payment processor and platform that is set up for merchants. It offers people a payment gateway and was actually set up to be a competitor to the other smaller payment gateways who are still fighting over the scraps that the bigger payment companies are leaving behind. They work by selling packages to merchants, but some of them are a little bit pricey for smaller merchants who do not have a lot of traffic or sales yet.
Google Checkout
Thanks to the advent of content management systems this system has been set in place. It is basically a Google version of the already existing PayPal platform, whereas they concentrate more on payment processing rather than the number of services that PayPal provides. The Google Checkout is a CMS user favourite in America because the checkout process may be easier in some circumstances.
This is the one that most non-business and non-web master people will have heard of because it is a payment acquirer and so has a far bigger user base than most of the services on this article. It takes and processes payments too; in fact, it processes more than $4 billion in payments every year and can even take user-defined payments which are known as donations.
This is a very similar site to PayPal but does not offer as many services or functions. It is a payments processing competitor that is processing around a million dollars per day. The setup to the payment system is similar to that of PayPal but it is not as popular. It is what Google+ is to Facebook when it comes to popularity.
This is a payment platform and processor that is not very well known yet but is already part of LivingSocial and Airbnb. It is like PayPal where it has no setup costs and no monthly fees, but where it asks for a transaction fee in both a percentage along with a standard set fee, which is 30c in this case along with a 2.9% cost.
This is something that web developers like because it allows them to integrate a payment API into a website straight away so that they can sell it as a working website. They can do this because there is no setup fee and because it can act as a merchant account for all of its providers, being able to hand all PCI compliance and all merchant approvals.
This service can offer you a payment gateway and a merchant account in one. It allows people to receive credit card payments and PayPal payments. It also comes with its own shopping card too and you can set up a recurring bill with the platform. This means that you can alter the way you take payments and maintain a professional façade.
This is a clever little tool for allowing a merchant to accept bank account payments and credit cards online. It is good at concentrating on what the user wants and is just recently added more functions to its services to make using it a little more convenient. It is good for taking payments for smaller or one-off items too (including donations).
Online payment
Amazon Payments
Few private citizens know about the Amazon Payments system, but some businesses persons do because they deal with money coming in from abroad or deal with money that is not directly related to eCommerce. There are also sites such as Kickstarter and crowdfunding that uses Amazon Payments.
This is one of the most widely used payment processors and platforms on the Internet with well over a quarter of a million merchants signed up to it. There is a setup fee and a user’s fee, along with a transaction fee, but it is a safe and trusted platform and processor and is used as a standard by quite a few website tools and shopping carts.