Search engine optimization is a very effective and free process, The SEO is a very effective and beneficial medium for ranking and to build visitors engagement. But all these benefits would only be effective, when we follow all the rules and lay down points of search-engine algorithms. There are lots of processes of ranking algorithms which need to be understood and followed, whenever making a strategy of SEO for getting a rank on SERP Google. So we have to know about the various Google ranking algorithms and its functioning.
Google Ranking Algorithm:
- Panda
Since its launch in 2011.
Google panda update is a search filter which was introduced with the main aim to stop sites with inferior quality of content, which means: panda analyze the content of a site. From time to time it updates itself on its own server and in the last update, it is adjusting a ranking prospective on the basis of content quality and its relevance just as in Penguin 4.0 case. The Panda algorithm check is strictly on content quality and relevancy of exact topic. If the Panda algorithms find out any spamming and keyword stuffing then it punishes by decreasing the rank of the site.
- Penguin
Since its launch in April 2012
The Last Penguin update was last year which was known as 4.0, its main area of analysis was on working on site and off-page SEO. The main points covered in this were to find out the bad backlinks, Paid backlinks, link spamming, anchor text, a lot of backlinks on the same keyword and backlinks over-optimization if this was followed by any site then Google decreased the ranking. If the site got caught in the Penguin format then the site was penalized.
- Hummingbird
Since its launch in 2013
Tagline: Return Better Result
This update was not working on any penalty, in this all the focus was to give the right result on a particular keyword. If anyone wants a better ranking, then they should follow this algorithm’s guidance like: upload a content of best quality and relevance to the topic and should also be user friendly. To achieve this you should make proper sentences, phrases & exact spelling of words combined with excellent grammar whenever we can get better ranking.
- Pigeon
Since its launch in 2014
Pigeon was created only for localization of the search result, to follow this algorithm’s guidance we have to make a website local area friendly. For this you need to use a proper phrase, put a right NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) in every content. These factors in addition make it to rank better for the particular area or locality. So for example if you are living in Brisbane then a good Brisbane SEO specialist would cater to the attributes which makes the site seem friendly to Brisbane.
So we can Clearly see that Google algorithms change from time to time and any good SEO agency or expert would understand these updates and make changes to the sites accordingly. This would not only improve your site’s command at Google but would also make your site rank better at the Google SERPs for your niches use this website for serps checker, rank tracker and keyword tracker.